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  重慶天狼塑膠管業有限公司(簡稱:天狼管業)位于我國發展最快的中心城市重慶,是一家專業從事管道研發、生產和銷售的新型企業,天狼管業致力于給水領域的產品研發與推廣,為管道行業提供高品質的產品和服務。 Chongqing Tianlang Plastic Pipe Co., Ltd. (Tianlang Pipe for short), located in Chongqing which is one of the fastest developing cities in China, is an emerging enterprise focusing on the research, manufacture, and sales of pipes. Tianlang Pipe is devoted to the research and promotion of products in water supply field, providing first-class products and services for pipe industry. 天狼管業秉承創新研發、互利共贏、共同成長的企業宗旨,聯合業內頂尖企業及專業人士,將現實的設計思想用功能的設計方法,以簡約的表達方式與現代科技完美融合,在全球率先推出獨家專利產品滿足用戶對安全、環保、經濟、美觀全面要求的創新產品:一種無接頭、不用熱熔、不用彎頭的綠色環保、安裝快捷的全新PE-RT給水管道系統。 Tianlang Pipe sets forth an objective for the company, namely, innovation and R&D, mutual benefit and common progress. We cooperate with the top enterprises and the professionals in the industry; merge realistic design ideas with modern technologies seamlessly by using functional designing and simple expression; and take the lead in releasing an innovative product which meets customers’ demand for safety, environmental protection, reasonable price and beautiful appearance. Without connectors, elbows, this product is a new and green PE-RT water supply pipeline system, which can be easily installed without melting. 天狼管業立足管道、水暖二大市場領域,專注管道科技和綠色環保產品的研發,取得了多項專利技術,同時與多家一流企業進行配套代工合作,公司擁有先進的生產線,并建立了完善的質量保證體系。 Tianlang Pipe, based on markets of pipes and plumbing, concentrates on researching new technology of pipe and making environmentally friendly products. We have obtained a number of patented technologies; cooperate with numerous top-ranking companies by being their OEM; have advanced production lines and have built a set of well-established quality assurance systems. 天狼管業致力于PE-RT給水管、波紋管、穿線管、PE-RT地暖管、銅管件、水暖軟管、水龍頭等相關水暖配件的生產及銷售。天狼管業秉承“精亦求精、互利雙贏”的經營理念,以品牌引領營銷、以品質鑄造精品,樹立超前的市場觀、正確的價值觀、完善的服務觀,以積極進取的創新意識致力于時尚美觀、實用優質的新產品開發,以誠為本,以信立業。 Tianlang pipe is committed to the producing and selling of such plumbing fittings as PE-RT feed pipe, bellow, threading pipe, PE-RT floor heating pipe, brass fitting, plumbing hose, faucet and the like. Tianlang Pipe strives for excellence and mutual benefit; puts emphasis on brand culture and quality; establishes far-sighted market outlook and correct values and provides perfect services for customers. We make proactive innovation in fashionable appearance, practicality and good quality of the product based on the principle of honesty and integrity.

免責聲明:以上所展示的信息由企業自行提供,內容的真實性、準確性和合法性由發布企業負責,中科商務網對此不承擔責任。 商鋪管理
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