西安柏斐商貿有限責任公司是法國品酒師拉斐爾.貝特朗先在中國創立的一家集產品銷售、文化培訓為一體的商業公司。我們的業務:柏斐總公司位于法國,由法國貝特朗金融聯合集團投資管理,以經銷法國原裝進口葡萄酒為主營業務,面向中國西北地區客戶提供產品代理、批發等服務。我們的優勢:柏斐與法國13大葡萄酒產區直接簽訂代理合作協議,代表法國眾多酒莊向中國西北區提供產品銷售及文化推廣業務。我們的承諾:柏斐一直將質量和信譽尊為首位,盡我們所能滿足顧客需求。 Xi’an windculture trade co., Ltd is a Chinese commercial company created by French Oenologist Raphael BERTRAND,which integrates product sales,culture training and business consulting.Our business:Windculture head office is located in France, invested and managed by SBFP financial group. Main business of company is distribute imported French wine、 Europe imported food, and provide product agent, wholesale services for China’s northwestern region dealers.Our advantages:Windculture directly sign agency agreement with 13 French Wine Region, representing French wineries to provide product sales business and culture dissemination for the northwest of china.Our commitment:We always put quality and credibility in the first place, and do our best to meet customers' demand.代理酒莊:Cooperative Wineries:法國西南葛拉芙酒莊(TERROIR DE LAGRAVE)法國波爾多貝勒城堡(CHATEAU ROC DE PELLEBOUC)法國波爾多法皇亨利城堡(CHATEAU HENRY DE FRANCE)法國波爾多嘜卡倫城堡(CHATEAU MACALLAN)法國波爾多顧多城堡(CHATEAU DE COUDOT)法國波爾多蘇玳森林古堡(CHATEAU DE LA FORET)法國香檳區馬里奧莊園(CHAMPAGNE BERGERONNEAU-MARIO)法國羅納河谷瑪珂酒莊(CHATEAU MAUCOIL)法國朗格多克拿破侖騎士城堡(CAVALIER DE NAPOLEON)