公司主要代理、經銷國內外一百多家知名品牌的檢測設備。涉及:投影儀、硬度計、粗糙度儀、金相分析設備、涂鍍層測厚儀、影像測量儀、工具顯微鏡、推拉力計、扭距扳手、拉力試驗機、光譜儀、三坐標、高低溫試驗箱、邵氏硬度計、里氏硬度計、金相顯微鏡、金相鑲嵌機、涂鍍層測厚儀、超聲波測厚儀、高度儀等系列產品,銷售產品達一千多種,為企業質量管理起著重要的作用及企業認證提供完善的硬件設備。公司始終推行:“同質量,低價格;同價格,高質量”的經營理念,贏得了廣大用戶的普遍贊譽和大力支持。The company are mainly engages in the agents ,distribution of more than 100 domestic and international famous brands on testing equipment ,including projector Hardness device ,roughness instruments , metallurgical analysis equipment, coating thickness gauge, video measuring instrument, ool microscope, pushing or pulling force, torque wrenches, tensile testing machine, spectrometer, coordinate, high and low temperature test boxes,Shore hardness tester、Leeb hardness tester、eletro-magnetic hardness tester、universal hardness tester、thickness gauge、High instrument、Measure a high instrument etc more than 1000 kinds of products It plays an important roles at enterprises quality controlling and provided companies with the full equipments for getting certification .”same quality , lower price , same price ,better quality “___ The company take the most reasonable competitive price as running concept, gains more and more customers’ widely praise and futher support .