廣州恒德力國際貨運代理有限公司成立于2010年,由于業務發展需要廣州海納國際貨運代理有限公司成立于2007年。 GUANGZHOU HENDELO INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS CO.,LTD was born in the year 2010. 是經廣州市人民政府交通辦公室,We are a registered?company with Traffic office, the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality.? 廣州市工商行政管理局,稅務局等上級主管部門嚴格審批,核準的具有國內外海陸空營運代理資格的正規物流代理公司? Administration of Industry and Commerce of Guangzhou Municipality, taxation bureau,etc superior department of strict examination and approval, that we are the formal logistics providing domestic and foreign air freight, ocean freight, trucking operating agency? 公司成立以來,堅持誠信的原則,始終把客戶的利益放在首位,并以不斷提高服務質量、擴大服務范圍來滿足您的需求,?積極打造企業品牌。? Since the company was established, we are on good - faith principle, put the customer's profit at the first place.Also meet your requirements by continuously improving service quality and extending service range, actively created corporate brand. 多年來公司憑借雄厚的實力、優秀的人才、嚴格的管理、廣泛的網絡為國內外客戶提供了優質的服務,在貨運界享有良好的信譽。? For years our company will provide the best - quality services to customers at home and abroad with powerful, Excellent talents, Strict management and Extensive network. building goodwill in the field of freight. 公司主要經營國際海運拼箱、整柜出口運輸,提供海運、空運、陸運、多式聯運、展品運輸、租船、訂艙、包機、中轉、分撥、倉儲、包裝、商檢等多種服務,特別是拼箱散貨出口運輸,雙清關到門運輸方面有著豐富經驗。We are specialized in the LCL consolidation businesses, Double clearance to door transport. Moreover, we are also catering to the international freight forwarding businesses., transportation businesses, Goods declaration for import and export, and clothing?quota, Ocean shipping businesses, Air shipping, land transportation , multi – transport, The transport of exhibits , chartering a ship , booking cargo space , charter flights , transshipment , distribution , Bonded Warehouse,Packing and commodity inspection services etc.