上海禾珈實業有限公司是一家集生產加工、經銷批發的私營有限責任公司,保鮮冰袋、藍冰、冰酒套(酒袋)、眼罩、瞬冷冰袋、冷熱袋、熱袋、暖手袋是上海禾珈實業有限公司的主營產品。上海禾珈實業有限公司是一家經國家工商部門批準注冊的企業。上海禾珈實業有限公司以雄厚的實力、合理的價格、優質的服務與多家國內外企業建立了長期的合作關系。上海禾珈實業有限公司熱忱歡迎您的前來參觀考察、洽談業務!! 上海禾珈實業有限公司致力于冷熱敷技術研制與高端科技的開發。成熟產品有冷熱袋,冰袋、冰墊、熱袋等等,下設有高品質的絲網印刷公司一體化、一條龍整套服務。公司擁有一批強有力的精英和骨干。他們涉及產品的研制、開發、生產和銷售等各個工作崗位。公司產品均已通過歐盟CE認證以及通過瑞士SGS內容物無毒安全檢測。在公司全體員工共同努力下,產品已成功銷往日本、美國、德國、澳洲、丹麥、中東、香港、臺灣等國家和地區。 公司秉承“質量是最佳的信譽”的經營理念,堅持“客戶至上”的原則為廣大客戶提供最優質+高效率的服務。竭誠歡迎您的咨詢與合作! shanghai hejia industrial co., ltd is a factory with self-selling network, and registered& authorized by national department, our main product includes: freezer pack, ice pack, bottle cooler(wine cooler), gel eye mask, instant cold pack, hot cold pack, hot pack(hand warmer) and so on. We established a long-term cooperation relationship with many companies by our powerful, reasonable price and best service, and welcome you come and visit us!!We are bending ourselves to develop the research and produce of hot and cold compress, and we have our own print-making company. So we can provide full set service for you. All of our product are passed Europe CE, MSDS, FDA, etc. We are success to push and sale our products to Japan, America, Germany, Australia, East china, Hongkong, Taiwan and other area.We show to our customer ”Quality is the best reputation”, persist to “customer is our god”. Welcome to visit us and our factory!!