深圳市佳聯發電子制品有限公司創建于2006年,注冊資金100萬,是一家生產制造手機周邊配套產品的民營企業,目前以手機皮套為主打產品,同時兼營電容筆和模具制造以及注塑。公司座落于深圳市寶安區沙井鎮東環路蠔四村新二工業區內,擁有自己獨棟廠房,廠房總面積4500平方米,下設10個部門,員工總數達到200多人,其中管理團隊30人,均具備大專以上學歷。 公司視產品品質為立足之本。自創辦以來,始終堅持“以人為本、務實進取,開拓創新,真誠守信”的經營理念,在生產中嚴格執行ISO9001標準.在認真抓好質量管理的同時,加強售后服務,贏得了廣大海內外客戶的好評。目前公司月出銷售電容筆100萬支,銷售手機皮套80萬個。佳聯發公司竭誠歡迎廣大客商蒞臨指導洽談!Shenzhen CALINFER electronic products CO.LTD Founded at 2006, registered capital USD 1 million. We started flipcover business at 2009,had designed and manufactured flipcover product of mobile phone and tablet for more than 6 years. Owned sophisticated mould design and plastic injection facilities, factory area is 50,000sqft and has a staff of 120. In 2014, sale volume of flipcover for mobile phone and tablet per month exceed 800Kpcs. We has built a dedicated laboratory to test flipcovers for a reliable quality. over 2,000 units flipcovers are tested very year.customersDomestic:Gaoxinqi, VIVO, OPPO, FoxconnOversea: Lava, Karbonn, spice, Intex, Fly, Q-mobile, Evercoss,acer, Verykool. we supply products to oversea customers mostly via ODM companies such as Huaqin, Sprocomm, Wingtech, Vsun etc. In 2015, we plan to cooperate with oversea brands directly. We can provide good service, attractive price and better quality for our customers.