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  青田縣鼎盛休閑椅有限公司(簡稱青田鼎盛):成立于2012年, 注冊資金100萬元,位于麗水市青田縣小群村公路232-2號,緊靠330國道。主營沙灘休閑椅、搖椅、特斯林布休閑椅、行軍床等休閑用品。產品暢銷全國各地及海外多個國家。公司經多年不懈努力,獲得了長足的發展。并以雄厚的實力、先進的技術和良好的信譽贏得社會的充分信任和認可。使我公司“鼎盛”商標,''DS“標識''DSSLJ''注冊商標休閑椅品牌在激烈的市場競爭中嶄露頭角,深受消費者的一致好評。 青田鼎盛以誠信天下,讓客戶滿意是我們的追求為服務宗旨。公司始終注重產品的科技創新、質量保證,無時不在革故鼎新,努力使自身的技術、產品和服務日臻完善,以實現公司的持續發展。QINGTIAN DINGSHENG LEISURE CHAIR CO.,LTDFounded in 2012, the registered capital of one Million yuan, is located in a small group of Qingtian county, lishui city village road 232-2, close to 330 national road.The main beach recreational chair, rocking chair, recreational chair, camp bed rafa Lin cloth and other leisure products.The products sell well all over the country and overseas countries.Company after years of unremitting efforts, and got a great development.With solid strength, advanced technology and good reputation to win the full trust of society and recognition.To my company's "golden" brand, "DS" logo "DSSLJ chair 'registered trademark brand in the fierce market competition, deeply consumer's consistent high praise.Qingtian height by the good faith the world, let customer satisfaction is our pursuit for the purpose of the service.Company always pay attention to the scientific and technological innovation, product quality assurance, ever-present completely-new, trying to make its own technology, improving product and service, in order to realize the sustainable development of the company

免責聲明:以上所展示的信息由企業自行提供,內容的真實性、準確性和合法性由發布企業負責,中科商務網對此不承擔責任。 商鋪管理
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