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   青島龍渤進出口貿易有限公司位于中國青島,是一家集雜糧、進口白豌豆、進口綠豌豆、國產蠶豆、豇豆、白蕓豆等產品為一體的經銷批發的有限責任公司(自然人投資或控股)。公司經營的雜糧、進口白豌豆、進口綠豌豆、國產蠶豆、豇豆、白蕓豆暢銷消費者市場,享譽海內外。青島龍渤進出口貿易有限公司的產品在消費者當中享有較高的地位,公司與多家零售商和代理商建立了長期穩定的合作關系。公司經銷的雜糧、進口白豌豆、進口綠豌豆、國產蠶豆、豇豆、白蕓豆品種齊全、價格合理。青島龍渤進出口貿易有限公司實力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保證產品質量,以多品種經營特色和薄利多銷的原則,贏得了廣大客戶的信任,我們期待著與廣大親朋親密合作。Qingdao LongBo import and export trade Co., LTD is located in Qingdao, China is a collection of grains, import white peas, import green peas, domestic beans, cowpea, white kidney bean and other products for the integration of the wholesale distribution of the limited liability company (the natural person investment or holdings). The company imported crops, white, green pea pea import and domestic beans, cowpea, white kidney bean popular consumer market, enjoys reputation home and abroad. Qingdao LongBo import and export Co., LTD in consumer products of the company enjoy higher position, with several retailers and agents established a long-term stable cooperative relations. The company sells grains, import white peas, import green peas, domestic beans, cowpea, white kidney bean variety is complete, the price is reasonable. Qingdao LongBo import and export trade Co., LTD, strength, heavy credit, abiding by contract and ensure the quality of products, and in many varieties management characteristic and the principle of small profits and quick turnover, winning the trust of our customers, we look forward to working with our relatives and close cooperation.


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