磐安縣安美工藝品廠設在素有“群山之祖,諸水之源”之美譽的國家級生態示范區磐安,主要生產中高檔潔耳、護耳個人用品,其竹制品做工精美、小巧玲瓏,品種涉及 耳挖、毛球、娃娃頭等,規格齊全,款式多樣。可用于美容保健、家居娛樂等,體現了新世紀人們健康時尚的生活訴求。本廠秉持“質量第一、誠信至上”的生產宗旨,竭誠歡迎國內外客商光臨或來人來電洽談業務,友好合作,互利共贏! Anmei Craft Product Factory is located in the national ecological demonstration zone Pan'an, known as “the ancestor of all mountains, the source of all waters”. The factory is mainly engaged in the production of top grade ear cleaning and ear protection products. The bamboo products of the factory are delicate, small and exquisite. And the category of products involves ear picks, furry balls and doll heads etc, complete in specificati... |