英國雅梵國際交易有限公司成立于上世紀八十年代,是以經營藝術品交易,展覽展銷為主的綜合**易公司。總部位于英國倫敦,在中國上海,中國香港,美國華盛頓,日本東京等地均設有辦事處機構。公司每年春秋兩季的交易會累積歷史成交額已達數十億歐元。隨著近年來中國大陸藝術品市場的日益增溫,上海雅梵文化發展有限公司不僅在中國大陸地區的藝術品征集屢獲佳績,而且在歐洲交易市場上成交額屢創新高。UK Irvine International Auction Co., Ltd., founded in the 1980s, is comprehensive auction company, mainly engaged in artwork auction, exhibition and sales exhibition. Headquartered in London, UK, it has set up offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Washington, Tokyo and other places and its accumulated historical turnover in the spring and autumn auction every year has amounted to billions of euros. With the increasingly warming of artwork market in Mainland China in recent years, Shanghai Irvine Cultural Development Co., Ltd. does have not successively gained successes in the art collection of Mainland China, but also have successively created new highs in the turnover of European auction market.征集范圍:Scope of Collection:1.瓷器類:中國各代官窯及民窯瓷器、陶器藝術精品2.珠寶類:高古玉、明清和田玉,田黃、雞血石、翡翠以及各類寶石3.雜項類:竹木牙雕、文房四寶、古家具、金銀器、青銅器等4.書畫類:海內外歷代精品書畫作品、古書籍等Porcelain: Porcelains from official kilns and folk kilns and exquisite pottery artwork of the Chinese dynasties.Jewelry: Ancient jade, hetian jade in the Ming and Qing dynasties, field-yellow stone, oriental jasper, jadeite and all kinds of precious stonesMiscellaneous: Wood Ivory carving, scholar's four jewels, ancient furniture, gold and silver ware, bronze ware etc.Painting and calligraphy: Exquisite painting and calligraphy at home and abroad, ancient books etc.雅梵(IRVINE)藝術收藏路上的一位良師益友!未來,雅梵國際還將繼續致力于推動全球藝術品交易的發展。IRVINE is a good teacher and helpful friend on the road of art collection.In the future, Irvine International will be continuously devoted to promoting the development of artwork trading all over the world.英國雅梵交易有限公司查詢真偽:http://wck2.companieshouse.gov.uk//wcframe?name=accessCompanyInfo如何使用英國工商局的網上查詢系統查詢英國雅梵交易有限公司?http://www.yafanpm.com/about/288.html