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  南陽市古精靈工藝品有限公司位于全國最大的玉雕工藝品集散地南陽,是專門從事天然水晶工藝品、天然水晶頭骨、天然水晶飾品、天然寶玉石飾品、玉雕工藝品等產品專業生產加工的公司,擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。技術實力雄厚,擁有國內頂尖的工藝大師。產品體系齊全,百余種產品款式齊全,從天然水晶產品包括水晶頭骨、水晶飾品、水晶工藝品,玉雕產品包括各種掛件、擺件及大型雕刻工藝品等。選料精良、做工精細,可以為客戶提供定制加工服務。 南陽市古精靈工藝品有限公司的誠信、實力和產品質量獲得業界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、指導和業務洽談。 Based on Nanyang, the No. 1 distribution market of jade carving handcrafts in China, the Elf Arts wares limited company specialized in the processing and producing all natural crystal materials as arts wares, crystal skulls, handcrafts, jewels and jade decorations and jade carving handcrafts. The company runs under a sound and scientific quality management system with rich technical resources supported by the top class masters. The products cover all the fields with hundreds of different designs and diversity ranging from all crystal products to jade carving products. All the arts wares enjoy high quality materials and the finest workmanship which offered both tailor made or processed. The company committed to be honesty, provide high quality with the finest workmanship which are highly recognized by the customers and counters. Your visiting, suggestions and business negotiations are highly welcomed by us.

免責聲明:以上所展示的信息由企業自行提供,內容的真實性、準確性和合法性由發布企業負責,中科商務網對此不承擔責任。 商鋪管理
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