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  公 司 簡 介 南通市康藍紡織裝飾制品有限公司,成立于一九九九年,坐落于南通市經濟開發區瑞興路135號,公司占地面積10098平方米,現有廠房5800平方米,職工人數108人。我司是一家集研發、設計、生產于一體的現代化家紡企業,公司內部管理嚴格、規范、科學,并且通過了ISO9001:2000質量管理體系認證,擁有“康藍”、“康藍之花”兩個注冊品牌,.根據市場的需求,公司主要生產高、中、低不同層次、不同風格、不同面料的床上用品,有各種規格的套件類、被褥類、枕芯類、窗飾類、賓館臥室用品和學生公寓系列床上用品等。產品主要銷往歐美地區一些國家,以及國內外的大型賣場近280余家。 在市場經濟日趨激烈的今天,我公司本著“質量第一,用戶至上、信興第一、服務至上、你的滿意,我的追求”為經營理念,產品品質不斷提高,經濟效業蒸蒸日上。多年來贏得了國內外客戶的好評,市場影響力越來越大,并榮幸的多年連續成為法國歐尚自有品牌床上用品及大潤發大拇指床上用品指定的生產廠家。 Nantong Kanglan Textile Ornament Co., Ltd, which was found in 1999, located in Ruixin Road No.135, Nantong Economic & Technological Develotment Zone. The company covers an area of 10098 square meters (factory covers an area of 5800 square meters) and it has 108 employees. Our company is a modern textile company with functions of R&D, design and production.Besides,Internal management and strict, standardized, scientific, and passed the ISO9001: 2000 quality management system certification.we also have two registered brands “Kanglan” and “the flower of Kanglan”. According to the marketing requirements, our company focuses on producing home textiles of high, middle, low levels, different styles and different fabric. We produce bed sets, quitls, pillow, curtain, bed settings for the hotel and student’s apartment .Our products mainly are sold to the European and American regions and we also have about 280 retail markets both at home and abroad. The competition is getting fiercer, our company insists on the basic principal: “Quality Stands first, consumer foremost, credit comes first, Service Foremost; Satisfaction Guaranteed” to make a progress in the future.

免責聲明:以上所展示的信息由企業自行提供,內容的真實性、準確性和合法性由發布企業負責,中科商務網對此不承擔責任。 商鋪管理
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