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我公司(南宮市恒凱硬質合金工具廠)是一家專業生產硬質合金刀頭產品的廠家, 恒凱硬質合金產品遠銷全國各地,出口貿易,產品質量穩定價格合理。 Our company (Nangong city hengkai cemented carbide tool factory) is a professional production of hard alloy cutter products manufacturers, hengkai cemented carbide products are sold throughout the country, export trade, product quality and reasonable price stability. 本公司主要經營硬質合金焊接刀頭,銑刀片,機夾刀片,數控刀片,礦山地質用刀頭,精磨銑刀片,涂層刀片,拉伸模,非標類產品的生產,稀有金屬,合金鋼,優質鋼等。本公司秉承“顧客至上,銳意進取”的經營理念,堅持“客戶第一”的原則為廣大客戶提供優質的服務。歡迎廣大客戶惠顧。公司擁有一支訓練有素、愛崗敬業的員工隊伍。 This company mainly manages the hard alloy welding tool bit, the cutter blade, machine clamps... |