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煙臺明珠陶瓷科技有限公司成立于2005年,公司立足于我國的高技術陶瓷的科研成果,依靠科技創新,研制并開發了適用于環保、新能源、新材料產業 “三高”(高溫、高壓、高腐蝕)氣、液、固體物料的輸送管路和閥門,利用精細陶瓷的耐高溫、耐磨損、耐腐蝕特性,主要致力于解決電力生產中的脫硫、化工合成領域的耐酸堿、耐磨損,多晶硅冶煉行業依靠酸性液體提純等作業工況環境。 Yantai Mingzhu Porcelain Technology Co., Ltd ( Former Mingzhu Valve Industry Company )( Here after in brief as YMPT ), founded in 2005, is specialized in producing transfer pipelines and valves for gas, liquid and solid material used in environmental protection, new material, and new energy industry of high temperature, high pressure and high corrosion, with China’s advanced technology of porcelain. YMPT’s products are mainly applied in harsh ... |