珠海匯彩照明專業致力于大功率LED照明產品的研發生產,尤其在LED水底燈,LED地埋燈,LED洗墻燈及大功率LED工礦燈LED導軌燈方面,經過不斷嘗試改進,一直處于行業最佳水平。 成績:近幾年我們公司承接了北京上海五星酒店,科威特公主Twenty-Six宮殿等等多項國內外大廈輪廓亮化工程的配套生產。公司嚴格控制材料來源質量及成品不良率,贏得了合作伙伴長期青睞。最新產品:珠海匯彩照明有限公司最新產品LED水底燈,采用我公司最新研發的自動報警降低功率方式,在水池不夠水或者干涸時,燈具自動降低功率,從而達到保護LED水底燈,延長燈具使用壽命。 質保:珠海市華廈照明有限公司所有產品質保2年,終身維修,為您解除后顧之憂,公司一貫堅持“質量第一,用戶至上,優質服務,信守合同”的宗旨,憑借著高質量的產品,良好的信譽,優質的服務,產品暢銷全國近三十多個省、市、自治區以及遠銷歐美等國家。 工程服務:如果您需要我們為您制作提供亮化方案或者現場安裝施工指導,請與我們公司工程部聯系!現面向全國各縣市誠招經銷代理商,熱忱歡迎您參觀考察,來電咨詢,互惠互利共同合作發展! AURORAS LIGHTING SOLUTION CO.,LTD is a hightech firm since 2005,dedicated to integrating advanced technology & ideas of lighting industry . With strong R&D team supported by experenced professional technicians and engineers, Our company devotes to providing ONE-STOP lighting service, innovative products, perfect after-sales service, to meet customes' high quality requests all over from many places and regions. All products request CE ,UL power supply,IP65&IP68 outdoor lamps,2 years warranty.Cooperate with famouse LED chip like Cree,Sharp,Bridgelux etc. You are welcome to contact for more help! LED grid light LED track light LED spot light LED bulb LED downlight LED ceiling light LED panel light LED high bay light LED underground light LED underwater light LED swimming pool light LED brick light Solar LED brick LED flood light LED wall washer