杭州金運電器有限公司成立于1994年,是一家集產品設計、研發、制造、營銷于一體的專業化廚衛電器現代化企業,公司總部座落于美麗的西子湖畔-中國杭州,生產基地在中國廚具之都--浙江嵊州。旗下公司有嵊州市金益電機廠。杭州金運電器已形成以集成灶環保灶,吸油煙機、燃氣灶具、消毒柜、燃氣熱水器、電熱水器、抗菌不銹鋼水槽系列廚房用具及各式浴霸、通風扇,集成吊頂等系列衛浴用具等系列產品為主共八大系列一百多個品種的產品。 嵊州市金益電機廠是一家專業生產各類家用微電機的現代化企業。 杭州金運電器公司已形成營銷中心、品牌中心、行政中心、生產中心、財務中心等五大(中心) 組織架構,本著尊重知識、知才善用、充分儲備人才的(善用人才 超前人才)戰略,在職員工大專以上學歷多達40%,目前已建立起了科技化、專業化、知識化、年輕化的充滿活力 團隊。 金運電器秉承“思想、創意、品質、專業” 企業理念,一如既往地推進品牌戰略,在提高品牌 知名度、美譽度、忠誠度 同時謀求把企業打造成具有核心競爭能力、持續(行業)創新、深為(受)廣大消費者喜愛 ,具有社會責任感 專業廚衛卓越企業。Founded in 1994, Jinyun electrical appliance Co., Ltd is a company characterized by integration of design, research and development, manufacture, and marketing. Its headquarter is located beside the West Lake in Hangzhou, China. The production base is in the kitchen of all—Shengzhou, Zhejiang. It has two subsidiaries, Shengzhou Jinyi Electric motor factory and Shaoxing Geliwang Co. Ltd. Shengzhou Jinyi electric motor factory is specialized in different kinds of household electrical micro-machine. Shaoxing Geliwang Co. Ltd. is a reliable company of high grade and high quality.Jinyun electrical appliance Co., Ltd offers a variety of more than 100 products ranging from kitchenware including integral environmental-protection cooker, smoke extractor, gas cooking appliances, disinfection cabinet, gas water heater, electric water heater, antibiotic stainless steel sink to bath tools like different kinds of bath heater, ventilating fan, integral furred ceiling, etc