廣州市白云區松洲立富食品機械經營部,是產銷一條龍的模式極大的讓利于客戶。本公司主要產品有節能抽屜式腸粉機、大型數控河粉機、多功能烤雞(鴨)爐、智能數控冰淇淋機、爆米花機、棉花糖機等休閑食品機械。多年來,公司以高品質的產品,良好的信譽,使“立富”食品機械聞名于國內外,客戶遍布全球各地!“立富”悉心開發的各式節能、高效、安全、環保的產品,不僅獲得了廣大用戶的青睞和權威部門的認可,并獲得了國家多項專利及產品資質認證。 “服務,創新,誠信,質量”是我們一直秉承的宗旨。我們以貼心服務為根本,以技術創新為動力,以誠信經營為準則,以質量過硬為保障。用自身雄厚的技術革新力量和豐富的實踐經驗,竭誠為廣大客戶保駕護航。 您的選擇是對我們的信任,您的滿意是對我們工作的肯定。我們堅持以“服務無止境,技術永創新”為公司理念,是立富的不斷追求。今后的工作中,我們將盡最大的努力服務好每一位客戶。 Li-rich food machinery, located in nanhai district, foshan city, guangdong province, high and new technology development zone, sales department is located in the guangzhou baiyun district gold bar, production and marketing of a great provide good model. The main products of the company are energy saving of the upper bowel powder machine, large nc machine, multi-function pho roast chicken (duck) furnace, intelligent nc ice cream machine, popcorn machine, cotton candy machine etc recreation food machinery. For many years, the company with the products of high quality, good reputation, so that "made rich" food machinery in the domestic and international famous, customers all over the world! "Made rich" with all the development of energy saving, high efficiency, safety, environmental protection of the products, not only won the favor from the masses of users and authorities recognition, and won many national patents and product qualification authentication. "Service, innovation, the good faith, the quality" is our tenet has been adhering to the. We by the close service as a fundamental, to the technology innovation as a driving force, by the good faith management as the standard and high quality as the guarantee. With its own strong technical innovation strength and rich practical experience, dedicated to the general customer to escort.