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  廣州歐豐機電有限公司是一家以外轉子電機,DC無刷電機,EC電機,驅動控制系統,管道風機,AC/DC/EC 軸流風機,離心風機,小型鼓風機及新風換氣機等機電一體化產品為主導的生產制造型高新技術企業。集設計、生產、銷售為一體的。歐豐機電有限公司創建于2003年,占地16000平方米,擁有卓越的技術實力,先進的測試設備,完善的質量管理體系。 基于原有的高新技術,向著更高層次的節能化,智能化突破,在直流無刷外轉子電機領域中取得飛速發展,是廣東省高新技術企業之一。秉承“以技術為先導,質量為根本,保證客戶最滿意”為宗旨,歐豐機電以技術創新為理念、以打造完美品質為依托、以成為世界通風制冷行業領航者為愿景。在激烈的競爭中不斷開拓進取,創造佳績。優異的風機質量讓我們贏得了國內和海外廣大新老客戶和經銷商的信賴和支持Guangzhou OFAN Electric Co., Ltd. is recognized as a global high-tech manufacturing enterprises with powerful design, production, and sales ability. Our main products include external rotor motor fans, DC/EC brushless motors, Duct fans, AC/DC/EC Axial fans, Centrifugal fans, Blowers, Fresh air ventilator and so on. They’re widely used in automotive, air conditioning, medical, IT, home & industrial ventilation system and especially telecommunications.Founded in 2003 with an area of 16,000 square meters, OFAN Electric have accomplished superior technical strength, advanced testing equipments and perfect quality management systems. Basic on the traditional high-tech, Ofan is making great progress toward the higher level of energy-saving, intelligence on DC brushless external motor field.Adhering by “leading by technology, basing on quality and respecting all customers”, Ofan had developed many credible customers from Europe, North America, Australia, Middle East, South Asia as well as domestic market. From the beginning to the future, innovation, perfect quality, impeccable service will continue keeping us winning in the worldwide competitive market.

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