東唐集團(DonTang Inc)是全球個人護理、清潔、消毒、食品安全和預防感染領域的開拓者和最佳雇主。我們相信只有一種方法可以達致美麗─回歸自然。多年來我們深明此理,并貫徹始終。我們不斷探索,并索遍全球,尋覓優質的天然原材料,制造優良產品,為你提升自然美。我們一直致力保護這美麗的地球及倚靠大自然生活的社群。致力推動低碳、環保,并非隨波逐流;我們這樣做,因為這是達致美麗的唯一方法。通過打造卓越的品牌和經營,使世界變得更加美好,這些努力對世界經濟具有積極的推動作用;同時還要做對員工、消費者、客戶、社會以及環境正確的事情。公司一直致力于為全球的酒店賓館業、零售業、餐飲服務業、啤酒、飲料、乳制品、食品加工、醫療保健等行業提供先進的清潔、消毒、食品安全與預防感染的全方位解決方案服務和整體解決方案,以及相關的技術咨詢、培訓、審計與認證等服務。服務會遍及全球160多個國家和地區,我們致力于創建一個更美麗、更清潔、更安全、更健康、更有效率與更可持續發展的世界。
DonTang inc is a pioneer and the best business partner of personal care, cleanning, sanitizing, food safety and infection prevention in this world.
We believe there is only one way to archive beautiful- back to nature.
Over the years, we are well aware of this and do it consistently.
We never stop to explore all over the world to looking for a high-quality natural raw material and manufacturing them to improve your natural beauty.
We have been committed to protect this beautiful earth and the community of rely on the nature of life.
Efforts to promote low-carbon, environmental protection which is not just going with it; we do it because this is the only way to archive the beauty. Effort to create a outstanding brand and business and make the world to be better. These efforts have a positive role in promoting the world economy; at the same time, we are also doing the right things to employees, consumers, customers, society and environment.
The services throughout the world in over 160 countries and regions, we are committed to create a more beautiful, cleaner, safer, healthier, more efficient and more sustainable world.