中山市福萊倫五金制品有限公司,位于廣東省中山市東鳳鎮伯公村工業區,成立于2010年9月。公司主營日用五金配件,通用五金配件,建筑小五金,管道輔助配件,不銹鋼緊固件,電力金具配件(Daily hardware fittings, general hardware, building hardware, plumbing accessories, stainless steel fasteners, Power fittings)。我們參照中國國家標準 YD-T206.2/27-1997、JB/ZQ4492-97、JB/ZQ4493-97、JB/ZQ4321-2006技術規范,本著“誠信經營,百年品質”的經營理念,專業生產和銷售熱鍍鋅電桿抱箍、吊箍和街碼等電業五金配件(Cable fittings elbow hoop,Galvanized Cable hoop, Cable hold hoop),以及高檔不銹鋼材質的各種水喉碼、管碼和吊碼產品(Pipe Clamp, Brackets, Pipe Clamps, Water Pipe,Hose Clamps, Ordinary Water Pipe, Fire Water Pipe)。電桿抱箍系列產品,規格包括DN100mm~DN390mm,主要材質為Q235A扁鋼和熱鍍鋅鋼板,裝配孔徑統一為Φ18mm,可以提供裸鋼件半成品或油漆好的成品,統一配置GB21 M16*80全套螺栓、螺母,鐵線捆扎,10片一扎,紙箱包裝發運。街碼系列產品,材料采用Q235A鋼板,熱鍍白鋅表面處理。厚度3.5mm或4.0mm,長度按國家電力金具相關的技術標準生產,可定制加長、加高材料。主要有二線(位)街碼,三線(位)街碼,四線(位)街碼和五線(位)街碼規格供選擇,統一配Φ10.0mm鐵芯EX-4規格的瓷碌。包裝方式,帶瓷碌的,2件一扎,無瓷碌的,5件一扎。不銹鋼管卡水管固定夾水喉碼產品,規格涵蓋DN20mm~DN250mm,選用磨面或電化鏡光處理的高檔不銹鋼材料,具有高性能的抗防銹蝕能力。裝配孔徑統一Φ5.2mm,統一配GB818 M5*16規格螺絲,GB52 M5螺母。吊碼支桿配Φ8.0mm圓鋼條或牙條或同徑規格的不銹鋼膨脹螺栓,純手工氬弧焊接,焊點飽滿牢靠,純新PVC防護膠片,柔韌性強,手撕不開裂耐用。福萊倫五金配件產品,一分錢一分貨,誠信經營,品質至上。歡迎各地朋友小量試賣或索取樣品、電詢洽談區域市場代理及批發業務。我們以專業的工藝水平,誠意接洽各種水管管卡吊碼、電桿抱箍包箍類日用五金配件的定制業務。 Zhongshan FOOLAN Hardware Products Co., Ltd., is located in Guangdong Province Zhongshan City Fung Pak Town Village Industrial Zone, was established in 2010 September. The companys main daily hardware fittings, general hardware, building hardware, plumbing accessories, stainless steel fasteners, electrical fittings accessories ( Daily hardware fittings, general hardware, building hardware, plumbing accessories, stainless steel fasteners, Power fittings ). We refer to the Chinese national standard YD-T206.2/27-1997, JB/ZQ4492-97, JB/ZQ4493-97, JB/ZQ4321-2006 specifications, the spirit of "good faith management, hundreds years quality " business philosophy, specializing in the production and sale of hot galvanized poles hoop, hoop and street hanging code electrical hardware accessories ( Cable fittings elbow hoop, Galvanized Cable hoop, Cable hold hoop ), as well as high-grade a variety of stainless steel plumbing code, code and hanging product code ( Pipe Clamp, Hose Clamps, Brackets, Ordinary Water Pipe, Water Pipe, Fire Water Pipe ).Pole hoop series of products, specifications including DN75mm~ DN390mm, the main material for the Q235A flat steel and galvanized steel, bending angle R using rib pressing process or welded with river plate Thrust-augmentation device, increase the strength of the structure, assembly aperture uniform is Φ18mm, can provide the bare steel pieces of semi-finished or paint a good product, unified configuration GB21 16*80 a full set of bolts, nuts and washers, wire binding, 10 pieces of a sheaf, carton packaging shipped.Stainless steel pipe clamp pipe clamp hose product code, specification covers the DN20mm ~DN250mm, selection of grinding or electrochemical mirror light treatment of high-grade stainless steel material, having high performance anti corrosion prevention ability. Assembly aperture uniformΦ 5.2mm, unified with GB818 M5*16 GB52 M5 specifications screws, nuts. Code hanging rod withΦ 8.0mm bar or teeth or the same size specifications of stainless steel expansion bolt, pure manual argon arc welding, spot is full and reliable, pure PVC protective film, strong flexibility, hand cracking durability.Foolan hardware welcome friends around epsilon trying to sell or obtain samples, call to discuss regional market agent and wholesale business. Our professional technology level, to contact various pipe clamp hanging code, pole hoop hoop package daily hardware accessories customized business.