佛山市天旭進出口有限公司,成立于2004年,是由多位在佛山工作、有資深外貿經驗的人士籌建成立。公司一直竭誠為國內外、尤其是珠三角地區的眾多單位及個人提供優質的服務。 天旭公司業務主要是代理和自營進出口,產品出口包括:建材(陶瓷、馬賽克、門等),家飾品(陶瓷拼畫等),照明產品(金鹵燈、LED燈等);進口及代理包括:工業生產原材料,國外的生產線及設備,產品進口代銷等。公司經過多年的發展,一直秉承著“重合同,守信譽”的原則,贏得廣大客戶、海關、銀行等的贊譽,公司在海關是A類企業,業績斐然。 天旭公司利用與眾多國內外企業良好的合作關系,在2012年建立網絡營銷平臺——淘寶網店及阿里巴巴店,為愿意合作的伙伴提供便捷有效的銷售途徑。現在店上零售及批發的小家電、小電器等產品,經過篩選,都是適銷對路的商品,配合精明強干、效率高超的銷售團隊,所售商品已經在本地的消費者當中享有較好的口碑,原因是本公司已經與多家零售商家以及眾多原本提供OEM、ODM出口的廠家、外國商家建立了長期穩固的合作關系,抱團共同開拓小家電市場。 天旭電器網店所經銷、代銷的小家電等,款式時尚、品種齊全、價格公道、物流安捷、售后完善。天旭公司是位于廣東順德的“中國家電商業協會—營銷委員會”的準成員,由該委員會指導家電營銷事務。 天旭公司總部位于佛山禪城繁華商務區,交通優越,歡迎廣大有意合作者蒞臨指導。 Foshan Sun Start Co.,Ltd was established by a number of people who has extensive experience in foreign trade in 2004.The company offer the quality service to the foreign company or person expecially for the pearl River Delta area. Our company mainly do the agency and import&export business,the export pruducts including building materials(ceramics,mosaic and doors),home decorations,lighting products(metal halide,LED light and so on);import agent business including industrial raw materials,overseas production line equipment,products sale by proxy and so on.After years of development,we won a good reputation from the clients,customs and banks,we are the A grade enterprise and has outstanding achievements. For the good cooperation relations with many domestic and foreign enterprises,we establish the network marketing platform,like taobao and alibaba,provide a convenient and effective sales approach for our partner. Our company is locate in the prosperous business district where the transporation is very convenience,looking forward to make a cooperation with the community.