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  我們在引進搭載NUM Flexium控制系統結合NUMROTOplus?磨削軟件的德國五軸聯動磨削中心的同時,還積極與德國鎢鋼棒材制造商Arno Friedrichs,世界頂級涂層供應商Oerlikon Balzers展開合作。所有的這一切讓我們的產品應用涵蓋從模具制造、手機零件、發電、醫療工程到航空航天等所有需要加工復雜和高精密零件的場合。





  硬質合金銑刀,硬質合金鉆頭,成型刀,T型刀,倒角刀,高硬銑刀,硬質合金螺紋銑刀,內冷孔鉆頭,擺線銑刀,復合材料專用銑刀,液壓閥座臺階鉆, 液壓閥座成型擴孔鉆, 液壓閥座成型鉸刀定點鉆,中心鉆,臺階鉆,燕尾槽銑刀,不銹鋼專用銑刀,錐度銑刀,鋁用銑刀,圓鼻銑刀,球頭銑刀,非標刀桿,絲攻訂做,超大規格板牙訂做,搓絲板,滾牙輪,以及各種非標刀具生產。


  Company Profile

  TRANYA Company is a leading supplier of cutting tools to the precise manufacturing industry. For many years, TRANYA Company has committed to manufacturing the highest quality cutting tools possible, offering competitive prices and providing value added customer service.


  We brought in Germany made 5-axis grinding center which equipped with NUM Flexium control in combination with the NUMROTOplus? software, and also partnered with well-known carbide rod manufacturer Arno Friedrichs and world class coating supplier Oerlikon Balzers. All of these make


  our product applications range from tool and mold making, mobile phone parts, power generation, medical engineering to the aerospace industry and all the complex and highly precise parts machining fields.


  Becoming a TRANYA customer means you have a partner who will work hard to provide top quality products, excellent customer service, and the engineering support necessary to expand your business.


  TRANYA is a partner you can depend on.

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