天經紡織有限公司,原名經緯紡織,成立于2000年,是一家集布匹織造、新產品開發、銷售及布匹染色、洗水,印花等工藝后加工為一體的企業.我司位于有世界工廠之稱的東莞市虎門鎮."質量第一,信譽第一,用戶至上,真誠服務"的經營方針,我司自2000年成立至今,以一流的質量,良好的服務贏得海內外廣大客戶良好口碑,更是多家世界大品牌企業的優質供應商和指定供應商.我們真誠期待與國內外客商協力合作,共創美好未來.我們愿與各位朋友攜手并肩,共同贏利,共謀發展.KING WAY TEXTILES is a fabric manufacturer and wholesaler. We specialize in the production of textiles and fabrics for garments,handbags,shoes,caps,gifts,stationeries,furnitures,etc.. Our main business is in:weaving, dyeing and printing textile. Our primary textile and fabric collections at KING WAY TEXTILES include cotton/poly cotton canvas, organic canvas, linens,denims, T/C lining,jacquard fabrics, corduroys. We are the specialists in dyeing and printing textiles and fabrics in South China. All of our products are top quality and of international standards, at wholesale prices. We have using ultra-modern technology, we can process the textiles to your specifications or you can choose from a variety of processes. We deal with hundreds of clients locally and internationally on a daily basis, customer satisfaction is one of our top priorities. 廠價直銷各類染色帆布、有機棉帆布、麻布、牛仔布、T/C布里布、提花布、斜紋布、燈芯絨.代客染色、過膠、上臘、印花、涂層、燙金;產品符合歐美出口環保標準。以上業務質量保證,交貨快捷。歡迎來人來電洽談業務,來樣定織、定染。