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常州永聯膠粘制品有限公司成立于1998年8月,位于蘇錫常工業發達地帶,緊靠滬寧高速公路,交通便捷,地理位置十分優越,現已擁有占地面積12000多平方米廠房。Changzhou Yonglian Adhesive tapes Co., Ltd was founded in Agu 1998, it locates in the developed area of Jiangsu province, it is close to expressway which make the products transportation more easily. Through many year’s effect, now the company has workshop area more than 12000 square meters 公司擁有目前最先進的涂布復合、分切、裁切等專用技術設備,同時擁有完善的檢測設備,包括強度拉力機、初粘儀、持粘儀、測厚儀、小型試驗涂布機,可提供各類特種膠帶的小批量試制生產。精良的裝備和完備的檢測手段有效的保證了產品的質量。公司于2002年通過了ISO9001:2000版國際質量管理體系認證。Company has the most advanced manufacturing machine like coating machine, laminating ... |