潮州市勤華陶瓷制作有限公司位于“中國瓷都”著名之稱的潮州市楓溪下東埔開發區,廠房面積2萬平方米,擁有多年的生產經驗及一批專業技術人員,是集設計、生產、銷售于一體的日用陶瓷專業廠家,2001年順利通過了ISO質量體系認證、FDA輸美認證。CHAOZHOU QINHUA CERAMICS MAKING CO., LTD. Located at DongTian Development zone , FengXi district , ChaoZhou city , which is Famous as the ceramics capital of China . The company has over 20000 Sq. meters and equipped with a group of specialized and experienced personnel . It is a manufacturer of integrating with design creation ,manufacturing and sales for daily use ceramics .CHAOZHOU QINHUA has passed ISO International Quality System Certification and attestation of ceramic tableware exported to the U.S. On 2001.“業精于勤,行成于思”是本公司一貫的經營理念,堅持“以質量求生存、以信譽求發展”為宗旨,本著開拓進取的精神,著力拓展國內、外市場,產品不斷創新創優,大大提高企業的競爭力和穩定發展。竭誠歡迎國內外客商蒞臨指導,攜手合作、共創輝煌!“Diligence to business , Concentration to implementation ” is our company’s management concept .Persist in the theory of “Quality is the first,reputation for development ” to the further develop the domestic and oversea market bases on improving products varieties and production techniques in an aim to raise the competitive and stable development for the enterprise .Wholeheartedly welcome customers at home and aboard joining us hand in hand to build up a more brilliant future.